DISCLOSURES “Notifications” tab is the page where the PDP disclosures are listed. The disclosures are listed according to the criteria’s that are chosen from the criteria’s list. If criteria is not chosen, listed BIST companies and exchange traded funds will be displayed. Date Selection: In this part there are “Today”, “Yesterday”, “Last 7 Days”, “Last 15 Days” of listing options. If “Other” option is chosen specific dates must be given. Company/Fund Type: In this section Company or Fund type is chosen Disclosure Type: In this part for queries, material event disclosures, financial reports, self-regulatory organizations’ disclosures and other options can be chosen. Title of the Company: In order to make specific company based queries, criteria’s must be chosen from this fieldFINANCIAL REPORTS Disclosed financial reports of the companies can be downloaded from this field. The disclosure deadlines for the financial reports and realized disclosure dates of the companies can be revealed from this section. CORPORATE ACTIONS In this page, corporate actions like general meetings, capital increase, dividend payments, acquisitions, takeovers, mergers can be queried by date. This query can be processed by specific company basis as well. SEARCH In this tab, “Todays Notifications”, “Expected Notifications” and “Detailed Search” fields are located. “Today’s Notifications” page forwards users to “Notifications” tab. Expected Notifications: In this page expected notifications from BIST Companies, investment firms, portfolio management companies, valuation firms, credit rating agencies and other PDP members are listed under the “Companies” section, on the other hand mutual funds, pension funds, foreign funds, asset finance funds, housing finance funds are listed under the “Funds” section. Detailed Search: In this page all disclosures from BIST Companies, investment firms, portfolio management companies, valuation firms, credit rating agencies and other PDP members are listed under the “Companies” section, on the other hand disclosures of the mutual funds, pension funds, foreign funds, asset finance funds, housing finance funds disclosures are listed under the “Funds” section. COMPANIES From this field, information regarding BIST Companies, investment firms, portfolio management companies, valuation firms, credit rating agencies and other PDP members can be listed.
“Company General Information Form” is the form where basic information of the Companies are listed. By clicking the “Notifications Search” button located at the right hand side of the form, related disclosures of the specific company can easily be accessed. From the “Old PDP Members” section, disclosures of the old PDP memberships (Memberships of which are expired or revoked) can be accessed. FUNDS At this section mutual fund, pension fund, foreign fund, asset finance fund, housing finance fund disclosures are listed.
After selecting any type of the funds “Fund Ongoing Information Form” can be accessed. By clicking “Notifications Search” button located at the right hand side of the form, fund’s related disclosures can easily be accessed.
The list of the Liquidated Funds can also be reached from the self-titled list. |