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Our company is informed by Turkish Employers' Association of Metal Industries (MESS), the employer's union in metal line of business, that the Group Collective Labor Agreement Minutes for the period of 01.09.2023-31.08.2025 between MESS, which our company is a member of, and the Turkish Metal Union is signed. According to the agreement in brief; -For the first 6 months, the hourly rate of employees earning less than 65 TL will be increased to 65 TL; then all employees will be given a proportional raise of 32% and a fixed raise of 30 TL/hour. After that, a one-time seniority raise of 2 TL/hour, not exceeding 30 TL/hour, will be applied to the hourly rates for each full year of seniority. - Starting from March 1, 2024, for the second 6 months, a 30% increase will be applied (if the CPI rate between September 01, 2023 and February 29, 2024 exceeds 30%, the difference will be added to the wage increase rate). - A salary increase will be made for the third 6 months by adding 3 points to the CPI and for the fourth 6 months based on the CPI rate. - In all social benefits, there will be a 140% increase for the first year and an annual increase according to the inflation rate for the second year. This statement has been translated into English for informational purposes. In case of a discrepancy between the Turkish and the English versions of this disclosure statement, the Turkish version shall prevail. |
We proclaim that our above disclosure is in conformity with the principles set down in “Material Events Communiqué” of Capital Markets Board, and it fully reflects all information coming to our knowledge on the subject matter thereof, and it is in conformity with our books, records and documents, and all reasonable efforts have been shown by our Company in order to obtain all information fully and accurately about the subject matter thereof, and we’re personally liable for the disclosures.