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Within the scope of the Volatility Based Measures System (VBMS) that is being implemented in accordance with the Capital Markets Board's decisions, EMNIS.E, EUYO.E and TMPOL.E shares will be subject to order package measure from 22/11/2023 (beginning of the session) until 21/12/2023 (end of the session). Order package measure covers "prohibition of market and market-to-limit order", "prohibition of order cancellation, price worsening and volume decreasing order amendments", and "restricting data dissemination during order collection phase of call auctions". Measures that are currently being implemented and defined in the earlier stages of the VBMS ("prohibition of margın trading" and "gross settlement" measures) will be in effect until the end date of the order package measure.
Note: Measures implemented within the scope of the VBMS are considered separately from trading principles applied for the share as a result of the trading rules of the market/platform in which the share is traded, market segment changes, or other reasons. Accordingly, measures taken with respect to VBMS continue to be implemented until the end of the measure's implementation period irrespective of the validity period of the trading principles implemented with other regulations or decisions.