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Muhterem Kaan Terzioğlu, who was appointed as Turkcell CEO on April 1, 2015, has decided to resign from his position, effective from March 15, 2019.
Turkcell Board of Directors has decided to appoint Murat Erkan, our Company's Executive Vice President of Sales, as acting CEO and appoint Kadri Özdal as acting Executive Vice President of Sales.
With regards to his resignation, Mr. Kaan Terzioğlu stated that "During my term of office of close to 4 years, we have transformed Turkey's leading mobile operator into the world's first digital operator and we have become an exemplary company in the telecom industry. During this period, as a team comprised of professionals with decades of expertise and also young talents who made a fresh start to their career, we worked passionately towards creating value to our country, stakeholders and customers. I truly believe that this strong team will continue to accomplish new records and achievements."
The Chairman of Turkcell Board of Directors Mr. Ahmet Akça stated that "Turkcell has realized numerous milestones and achievements during Mr. Kaan Terzioğlu's term of office. We would like to thank him for his valuable contributions and wish him every success in his future career and personal life. The corporate culture based on innovation and success, strong human capital, technology and corporate governance that enabled Turkcell to celebrate its 25th successful year, will continue to empower its position as one of the most valuable institutions of our country and the world. Over the last 5 years, we established a strong foundation for growth through our investments into technology and our endeavors leading the industry in digital arena and based our business model on strong foundations through strong balance sheet and risk management practices. Our Board of Directors will continue to prioritize value creation for our shareholders and stakeholders via our digital operator vision and with a focus on customer satisfaction."
We proclaim that our above disclosure is in conformity with the principles set down in “Material Events Communiqué” of Capital Markets Board, and it fully reflects all information coming to our knowledge on the subject matter thereof, and it is in conformity with our books, records and documents, and all reasonable efforts have been shown by our Company in order to obtain all information fully and accurately about the subject matter thereof, and we’re personally liable for the disclosures.